Charlotte McAffry » Charlotte's Blog


Hello! My name is Charlotte McAffry!!! This is my blog. I am 10 years old. I live in East Tennessee with my mama, 2 brothers and my dog, Luna. I love to sing, write, read, create and debate. One day, I want to change the world. I want to become a lawyer and later, president of the USA. I’m going to write about devotion, travel, fashion, and bakingPINIMAGE


  • Kim Frazier - Charlotte…you can see God illuminating through your words and your eyes! Keep shining bright so that others might learn from you! Good luck!ReplyCancel

  • Emily Crisp - Charlotte, your boldness and bravery is so beautiful! Congratulations on starting this blog!ReplyCancel

  • Kendall Haggerty - You are such a inspiring little girl! Good luck beautiful šŸ™‚ReplyCancel

  • Anne Ricker - Charlotte, I hope your blog is a positive, growing experience where you learn as much about yourself as you do others. Enjoy your summer!ReplyCancel

  • Abby Payne - I am so happy to see you interested in fashion and making a dream happen, at such an early age very impressive, reminds me of my Josie Jo. Big things to come for you sweet Charlotte.ReplyCancel

  • Miss Jenny - Wow, Charlotte! I cannot wait to read your blog this summer and learn all about you. I like to write, too, but not as often as I want. Maybe you will inspire me. Have a lovely summer! I’ll be flowing along!ReplyCancel

  • Barbara Allison - Charlotte:
    I love seeing the world through your eyes! There is much beauty in this world, and I believe your charm, energy and sweet nature add to the wonder of life. Thank you for allowing me into your world and letting me see and believe even more that we have much to look forward to in this life.ReplyCancel

  • Denise Wilhelm - Loved all the pictures of my beautiful great-niece! Looking forward to reading more about your journeys in life. Thank you for including me in your blog! Love you!ReplyCancel

  • Brooks McAffry - Hey CharlotteReplyCancel

    • Brooks McAffry - You know Iā€™m your brother rightReplyCancel

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