Charlotte McAffry » Charlotte's Blog

Styles and Aesthetics

Girly, sporty, casual, or nerdy.  These are all different styles, or aesthetics.  People come in numbers of these I can’t even count.  Everybody has one, or multiple.  For example, my style is vintage modern, but I will dress sporty sometimes, too.  Nobody should have something against these aesthetics, yet people do.  And yes, it is unfair.  But you are you!  You can ignore them because if you like yourself, then do not worry, you are not ruined.  Lots of people want to change because others will tease them and they just want to fit in.  But did anyone ever actually change forever?  NO WAY!  So don’t just change because someone might want you to.  And don’t give yourself negativity and say that you aren’t beautiful, because you are.



-Charlotte McAffry. Quote of the day: Why fit in when you were born to stand out? -Dr. Seuss

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